SAP Testing

Exfil offers SAP Testing, designed to make sure you’re getting the most out of your SAP installation, and that that installation and all configurations, third-party integrations, and compliance-based user permissions, are right where you need them to be to protect and move the enterprise forward.

What is SAP?

SAP’s products help businesses centralize data management and streamline functions like finance, accounting, and human resources into one system. SAP’s software can be installed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid cloud model, and includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), CRM and Customer Experience, Financial Management, Spend Management, Human Capital Management, Business Technology, Supply Chain Management, and Business Network functions.

Because SAP’s main function is to move siloed information back into a central repository, it becomes an incredibly complex system; one that it’s easy to make mistakes in. If your business is running SAP at scale, the platform is holding a wealth of sensitive information about both corporate function, and about client data. And keeping that information safe requires some dedicated attention.

That’s where Exfil comes in.


Errors in a SAP installation come as one of three types:

  • Misconfigurations in the SAP system itself
  • Specific services offered by SAP that are improperly integrated
  • Third party add-ons for SAP

Because SAP is systematic, deployments are managed by different teams. Which means that every team in your company will have variations in their SAP deployment – and that means that a pass over the larger installation won’t cut it.

A test by Exfil involves a survey of all three types, using their proprietary evaluation checklist. Developed through years of SAP testing experience and learnings, the Exfil team has minimized speed to determining workflow, and has accumulated the experience required to find gaps in the systems quickly and with maximum efficiency.

With specific tools, documentation is impossible to find. You can’t just google this. Must have experience.

  • Checking subdeployments, not an entire installation. List of servers available, and you connect to that one server in the environment.
  • Deployments managed by different teams, so different findings from different teams.


Unpatched vulnerabilities, common misconfigurations and hidden flaws in custom code continue to make enterprise SAP applications a target rich environment for attackers at a time when threats like ransomware and credential theft have emerged as major concerns for organizations. 

Third-Party Vendor Management

There’s a thriving ecosystem of SAP extensions, plug-ins, and service providers, that may or may not bring extra vulnerabilities into your SAP ecosystem. And just as TPVM is a critical priority for every security and compliance team, it doesn’t always occur to everyone to test within SAP itself. Exfil’s team has a breadth of experience with SAP’s secondary ecosystem, and knows how to provide big gains in reduction of harm and minimization of attack surfaces.

Exfil for Your SAP Security and Configuration Needs

SAP is a huge platform, so even within one corporation’s installation, there are likely to be separate configurations by department, so the need for evaluation is evergreen. Finance is likely to use a tool like SAP in a completely different way from HR will. SAP even has partnerships with sporting groups all over the world, so there’s really no end to the types of companies that benefit from SAP testing. It’s important to engage teams that will look at the silos, but also at the larger context they exist in. If you’re an SAP customer, Exfil stands ready to partner with you to make the most of your system. 

Let’s talk about testing SAP in your business

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