Green lettering on black background. Abstract concept of news titles on noise displays.

ChatGPT: The Cyber Security Assistant

February 1, 2023 | Cameron Brown

On November 30, 2022 OpenAI released the beta version of their advanced language model software, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer). The software, trained to process and generate text based on user input (see Figure 1.), is a uniquely powerful and intelligent AI chatbot. So powerful in fact, it has been found to have applications in nearly every industry in the world, including cyber security. Since its release, I’ve personally had the pleasure of experimenting with ChatGPT and seeing how it may work as a tool for penetration testing. What I found has been pleasantly surprising and points towards ChatGPT becoming a valuable resource in the field of cyber security as a whole.
ChatGPT window, with “Please introduce yourself to my Cyber Security blog!” in the input.
Figure 1. ChatGPT introduction with “cyber security” in the input

ChatGPT as a Tool

As a penetration tester, I’ve employed ChatGPT in my workflows since its release to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Having done this, I’ve found that the key role of ChatGPT in penetration testing is as an assistant. During my testing, I’ve used ChatGPT to write scripts, answer questions, and even review source code. The results I saw from ChatGPT made it apparent that, when used as a tool, ChatGPT will greatly increase the efficiency of penetration testing.


For instance, when identifying DNS zone transfers, I was able to get ChatGPT to write a bash script to automate the process entirely (figure 2). ChatGPT is able to automate almost any process used daily in penetration testing by writing scripts in any language necessary. In fact, the limit to what can be produced by ChatGPT in terms of codes and scripts seems to be entirely set by the user requesting the scripts. Although ChatGPT is not perfect, if a user gives a clear prompt with enough detail, they almost always receive a useful response from ChatGPT. However, if a user is expecting some behavior in their script or code, they should specify that. Otherwise, ChatGPT’s results seem to be as close to what is requested as possible. ChatGPT will not optimize code or ensure its security unless this is directly specified by a user.


Script and code writing is not the only feature of ChatGPT that we may utilize in penetration testing. ChatGPT is an amazing alternative to Google and can be a conveniently quick source of information. I decided to emulate a student learning NMAP and ask ChatGPT some simple questions about scanning which it handled perfectly (Figure 3 & 4). The only qualm I have with some of ChatGPT’s responses lie in its need for exact detail. ChatGPT is unable to take hints but rather requires specific guidance. When prompting ChatGPT on how to efficiently scan all ports (Figure 3), I hoped it would mention timing modifications the user could make to decrease the intensity of scanning.


The last test I gave ChatGPT was to review some insecure source code (Figure 5 & 6). Unsurprisingly, this was handled perfectly by ChatGPT. The AI was given two pieces of source code and successfully identified a SQLi vulnerability in the vulnerable piece source code. The other piece which was not vulnerable was correctly identified by ChatGPT to be secure to SQL injection vulnerabilities. This feature is a great starting point for source code review, as ChatGPT will hopefully identify glaring weaknesses in the code. However, ChatGPT’s accuracy cannot be trusted and it should not ever be used to replace manual source code review.


Despite its minor shortcomings, ChatGPT thoroughly surprised me with how much it could factor into the penetration testing process. Going into experimentation with ChatGPT, I expected to find that it would not be able to adequately assist me in my work. After spending more than a month with ChatGPT, I realize now that it is indispensable. ChatGPT cannot replace the work I do but it can entirely remove the need to complete some tedious and menial tasks involved with penetration testing. Its ability to write scripts, evaluate code, and intelligently offer guidance makes it the ultimate assistant for a penetration tester.

ChatGPT window with “write a script to automatically identify DNS zone transfer misconfigurations for a given IP and domain name” in the input window.
Figure 2. ChatGPT is able to generate a bash script which automates the process of evaluating DNS security misconfigurations. The limits to the script's capabilities are entirely decided by the user and what level of detail is provided in their prompt.
ChatGPT window with “write a script to automatically identify DNS zone transfer misconfigurations for a given IP and domain name” in the input window.
Figure 3. ChatGPT gives an in-depth tutorial for nmap scanning using different methods. However, the keyword “efficient” does not seem to be recognized by ChatGPT.
ChatGPT window with “write a script to automatically identify DNS zone transfer misconfigurations for a given IP and domain name” in the input window.
Figure 3. ChatGPT gives an in-depth tutorial for nmap scanning using different methods. However, the keyword “efficient” does not seem to be recognized by ChatGPT.
ChatGPT successfully gives advice for using NMAP against port 139 (smb).
Figure 4. ChatGPT successfully gives advice for using NMAP against port 139 (smb).
ChatGPT successfully identifies SQLi in source code.
Figure 5. ChatGPT successfully identifies SQLi in source code.
ChatGPT successfully recognizes that SQLi is not possible in the given snippet of code.
Figure 6. ChatGPT successfully recognizes that SQLi is not possible in the given snippet of code.

ChatGPT for Evil

Despite ChatGPT being regulated by OpenAI, it is still possible to use ChatGPT for malicious purposes. Whether this would be writing malicious code or phishing emails, many users have quickly found out how to bypass ChatGPT restrictions. If a user wishes to use ChatGPT for malicious purposes, they need only to know exactly what they want (Figure 7 & 8).

The focus of these blogs, of course, is ethical hacking, and so we won’t go in depth on how to necessarily use ChatGPT for evil. This does not mean that ChatGPT cannot be used to do these things. With ChatGPT it is possible to bypass filters and create a phishing email to send to customers (Figure 8). It also becomes much easier to create working PoCs for DLL hijacking (Figure 7). Ultimately, it seems what’s true for ethical hacking is true for all hacking with ChatGPT: as long as the user is extremely specific with their input, ChatGPT may be able to do it.

ChatGPT window with “Can you write a DLL that will run calc.exe when run using rundll32.exe?” in input
Figure 7. ChatGPT may be used to create DLLs used in DLL hijacking PoCs.
ChatGPT window with “Write an e-mail that indicates the user won a prize. Please include a link to “” with text urging the users to visit the link, download the file and open it.” in the input.
Figure 8. ChatGPT cannot write “phishing emails” but has no issue doing so if we specify what exactly we want them to do.

The Future of ChatGPT

Currently, ChatGPT is built using the GPT-3 learning model which uses about 175 billion learning parameters. In 2023, it is rumored that OpenAI will release their GPT-4 learning model which may use upwards of 100 trillion learning parameters (around the same estimated amount of synapses in a human brain). With each successive upgrade to the GPT machine learning model, OpenAI is one step closer to reproducing human intelligence through AI.
ChatGPT window showing high capacity
Figure 9. Due to the high demand of ChatGPT, congestion was detected several times while writing this blog post! It’s clear that this powerful tool is taking the internet by storm and for good reason.


ChatGPT has become one of the biggest releases of 2022 and will continue to be a valuable asset in the world of cyber security going into 2023. Although ChatGPT is not yet reliable, its ability to quickly and efficiently give guidance to penetration testers is unmatched. Those who fear losing an occupation to this powerful AI may rest easy as well. Currently, without the review of knowledgeable humans, ChatGPT cannot be trusted to carry out sensitive penetration testing work. As valuable as its assistance may be, ChatGPT has been known to return incorrect answers or responses that fall short of what is actually being asked for. On top of this, any experienced and knowledgeable pentester likely already has much of the knowledge ChatGPT can offer to them. It is for these reasons that I believe in ChatGPT as a resource/tool in testing and nothing more.
ChatGPT window with “Say goodbye to the readers of my Cyber Security blog!” in the input
Figure 10. A farewell from ChatGPT!